Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Plans To End Religious Terrorism by RJB

     My perceptive on putting an end to religious terrorism is that of a global vision.

  1. -The initial approach is to settle the Palestine-Israel conflicts, which involved the Jews reclaiming of the West Bank and the retaliation of the Palestinians.

  2. -Organize A United Global Religion Alliance.

  3. -Setting A Global Precedent To Fear Terrorist Through The United Nations.

  4. -Cracking Down Terrorist Who Refuse To Follow The Precedent In Place.

     These plans, if taken into consideration will work, because terrorism is a global issue and the whole world feels the impact whenever terrorist strikes in any nation because this is the era of globalization. Because of globalization, people traveled from place to place and impact their belief on others, for this reason religious ideas of different groups has spread and mingled together. The fact that the Islamic faith belongs to the Arabs, Judaism belongs to the Jews, and Christianity belongs to Christ's’ followers, is no more. There are different types of religions out there, those we have studied and those that are in other parts of the world, including native religions that we do not know about.

   Forming a United Global Religion Alliance may help to ease the power struggle of religious leaders. We always relate to the negative effects of religion, but religion can also make a positive impact on the secular world.  In a combined force, it may also help
People see the positive side of religion as to only dwelling on the destructions that religion has cause, (Dr. Tvee Zahavy-1994 revision), Apocalyptic Orthodox Judaism. It also may help people understand and respect other religions. Based on the entire forums on Mark Juergensmeyer’s,“Terroror In The Mind Of God”; most students got the insight on how other religions operate, and the broader scope of religion was open to students which led little or no narrow mindedness, (Globalization, The Backlash Of Religious Terrorism?), please see learning unit 11: The mind of God. Terrorism always have a political stigma behind it, so the united religion organization will bring together religious leaders as well as leaders of the secular government to discuss strategies to minimize and prevent terrorism.

    When the global organization is formed, strategies will be set to attack the thresholds of these terrorist and precedents will be set for a form of capital punishment for every one involve in terrorists acts. After all of the plans are organized and enforced, any terrorist or terrorist organization disregarding the world alliance, will be cracked down and receive the capitol punishment as specified accordingly.

  Probable Origin Of Religion Terrorism
  The whole chapter on “Zion Betrayed” (chpt. 3:45-60) was very interesting and disturbing. The Diasporas of the Jews may have been the roots to terrorism. The Israelites justification is the reclaiming of their ancestral homeland, which may have brought disrespecting the rights of the indigenous inhabitants (Palestinians) on the land. The Palestinians being in fear of their land taken away from them, opposed with violence, and this violence act have since spread throughout the Middle East among Arabs and around the world. The Israelites, based on Biblical history are supposed to

Be the chosen people of God, yet they have perpetrators who justified their deeds of violence with cultural, political, and military defense. However, looking at both sides of the coin, to be spread all over the world, not having a place to call home is very difficult. Society usually focus on the human rights of the black people because they were brought here as slaves and they have lost on their own identity, but I believe the Diasporas of the Jews should be taken seriously also because it seems like the same situation. Further, according to the Holy Bible which most religious believe in, that land was promised to the Jews.

     Yoel Lerner was one of Jewish activists who yearned for a Jewish society in Israel. He hoped for the restoration of the ancient temple in Jerusalem, the exclusive right of Jews to settle on the West Bank of the Jordan River and the creation of a state based on biblical law. In his view the prophesied Messiah will come to earth only after the great Jewish   temple that was destroyed almost two thousand years ago was rebuilt and made ready for him (the Messiah). The control of this sacred land was very essential to him and he regarded it as heretical to give it up to the Arabs, (p 46-47). All of this issue led to the death of Baruch Goldstein, and Yitzhak Rabin who was in a peace process, (49-50). Many Jews to this day all over the world have that notion of Yoel Lerner.

Restoration Of Peace
      Based on these factors, I would initiate peace effort between the Palestinians and the Jews through the United Nations. The views of the Palestinians should be acknowledged, so this process will begin with a proposal plan to get representative from every nation including religious leaders. This plan of action will entail that the Israelites and the Palestinians take into consideration, the views and opinions of the United Nations peace grounds and abide by it.  A world precedent must be set for all Arab nations and Jewish nations as to how to live in peace with each other. There should be amendments in
Sharing the land in a peaceful manner because both parties have bindings to this land.

     J give us an insight on the potency of religion in certain pockets of public life: religious ideas and the sense of religious community have been endemic to the cultures of violence from which terrorism has sprung; how the drama of religion has been especially appropriate to the theater of terror; how images of martyrdom, satanization, and cosmic war have been central to religious ideologies; and how these images and ideas have been agents of social empowerment, personal pride, and political legitimization, and how religion has made a claim on public life, (219-220).

2. With respect to these factors, I would go with J. second scenario on terrifying terrorists, (236-237), a scenario, in which the threat of violent reprisals or imprisonment frightens religious activists that they hesitate to act, because lot of alternatives have been given to bring about peace, but to no avail, terrorism is still on the rise.

In retro of the discussion forum J give reflections in learning units seven and eleven on the reality of religious violence as a public challenge in regards to globalization. Also, I tend to agree with Taryn A. Clark that religions and cultures are fighting to retain their beliefs and cultural identity, (forum # 12, Globalization-11-27-05).  Although he made notations for the reason why, this point was very interesting because, reference to the Jews and Palestinians Warfare may be contributed to this factor also. Therefore, when global efforts are organized the secular government can conquer religion terrorism and restore global peace among these nations and look at religion in a positive manner.

Reference-Terror In The Mind Of God – 3rd Edition, Mark Juergensmyer
                  Apocalyptic Judaism –1987, Dr Tzvee Zahavy, revised 1994

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