Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Final Essay by A.P.

Throughout history many individuals have been subjected to terrorism either directly or indirectly.  Terrorism “is meant to terrify . . . and . . . has more frequently been associated with groups desperately attempting to gain a shred of power or influence.” (5) There have been many convicted and at-large terrorists who have caused mass destruction.  Dr. Baruch Goldstein was charged with the 1994 attack at the Tomb of Patriarchs in Hebron; Timothy McVeigh was convicted of the 1995 Oklahoma City federal building bombing; Eric Robert Rudolph was convicted of bombing the 1996 Atlanta Olympics; and Osama bin Laden has been accused of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center attacks against the United States.  These terrorists have used religion as an excuse for political power and a plan must be put into action to end religious terror and violence and achieve lasting peace.  
Terrorism can be combated in several different ways.  First, I will address the issue of scaring terrorists and enforcing strict laws for those who commit these violent and horrific acts.  Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, President Bush has declared a “war on terrorism” (234) and on November 25, 2002, developed the Department of Homeland Security.  This agency is “designed to prevent, detect, and respond to acts of terrorism, and also respond to natural disasters.” (  This agency is in charge of protecting our borders, transportation devices, biodefense (protection of water and food supplies), and many other safety issues.  As of December 22, 2005, the Transportation Security Administration will increase security as it relates to airline travel through random searches and detecting explosives. These are all important anti-terrorism strategies that are highly effective.
Increasing security through additional police officers, US Immigration and Enforcement officers, and border patrol agents, is a much needed measure.  It is extremely important to increase security and surveillance as it pertains to terrorism and threats against citizens. When a terrorist is scheming an act of violence, the presence of these law enforcement officers are definitely a determent.  Zain Risvi’s discussion board posting (week 13) dated December 13, 2005 stated, “According to the US, terrorism must be eliminated at any cost.”  We have heard on many occasions that our leaders will not tolerate terrorism and will fight to protect their nation.  
Secondly, there needs to be peace talks among leaders.  There are many people in this world who don’t understand what these extremists are angry about until it is too late.  Many times individuals want to be heard and feel like someone understands them.  Although changes may not occur, acknowledgement and comprehension of their religious beliefs and insights into political views may be considered as a sign of respect.  I truly believe in my statement dated November 27, 2005 in Discussion Forum 12, “If activists disagree with a political leaders, they can justify an act of violence by using religion as a reason.”  These talks should be encouraged by leaders all over the world so that there is a common understanding of what is causing anger and frustration among these radical groups.  This will not only help those in power understand these groups, but it will provide valuable information as far as what their organization is striving for.
Finally, if none of the above is successful in contesting terrorism, force must be used.  People cannot live in constant fear and terror.  Additional law enforcement officials cost money and peace talks take time.  When these tactics fail to work, countries are compelled to use the power of their armed forces.  Sometimes the use of force is needed when these extremists are not receptive to other measures.  If these terrorists are willing to die for their cause, they are willing to die when others are fighting for the freedom of their citizens.  It is very unfortunate that the situation has to go that far, but it is justified.  It is the obligation of every government to protect their people and do everything in their power to guard against terrorism.
I have devised the above plan so that every individual can live in a safe and secure environment.  Terrorism is real and underway with a vengeance.  It must be stopped.  It has to be stopped for the betterment of every individual, in every country.  Terrorism is not justified, and should never be condoned.  Life needs to be preserved and respected.  Individuals put their trust into the government to protect them and their families.  It is up to those leaders to shelter their people and the future generations to come.

WC  761

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